PILATES – vitality for body and soul 


The holistic physical training – Josef Hubertus Pilates once called it “Contrology” – combines elements

of Qi Gong,Thai Chi, Yoga just as well as western fitness trends to a harmonic method of moving.


Especially the intrinsic muscles that are close to the joints are being strengthened.

 All extrinsic and superficial muscles are being loosened, the spine and the joints are being offered more mobility,

the soul is being integrated in the movement, the consciousness of your own body is being trained.

According to the principle “as little power as possible, but as much as needed”

the movement is activated by the centre of your body.

Seven precepts make Pilates a well balanced training.

In the following you will find a short description of them:


The Body-Mind-Training reaches with the help of the Pilates technique of breathing an increased oxygen supply of the

body, the metabolism is stimulated, blockades can be broken up. Body and soul experience more clarity and alertness.


Centralizing – the power that comes from within.


Looseness and relaxation enable the performance of movement with a minimum of power.


Shifting of weight and alignement train the sense of balance and enable a straight posture.


Separate move of individual joints

individual joints (especially the joint of the hip) are mobilized which helps to keep cartilage

and enables the production of synovial fluid – the precondition of smooth movement.


By organizing the shoulder girdle

the shoulders and shoulder blades are gently put back into their original position,

 the range of the movement of the arms can be increased,

the neck muscles may draw back, the keeping of the head feels lighter.


The length and the width of movement

enable the body to create space between articular head and socket or between individual vertebral bodies.

 Muscles can gently be extended. Erection of the whole body is the consequence.

 Even the soul as allowed to erect and wellbeing can arise.


Pilates is precision. Detailed and pictorial instructions appeal to all senses.

A precise performance of the exercises makes it easy for the body to accept the challenge.

 After only a few training units the body changes noticeably.


Please feel invited to a free test training. Admit to the gentle Pilates-Moving-Method.


Every training begins with an attunement and ends with a final relaxation exercise.


Personal training is especially effective as it can focus on the individual body and its needs.


I offer personal training of 1 hour for $ 44.