Relaxation – feel the ease of life again



When the body is granted relaxation we allow ourselves some rest and peace and quiet.

 Muscles loosen, tension decreases. Body and soul may have a rest, the everlasting thoughts are ignored for a while.


With the help of different relaxation- and meditation techniques (steady or dynamic)

we enter the healing and recreative state of “hold”, realizing the actual moment, finding oneself.

Not reaching anything anymore, not evaluating anything anymore, simply be.


Transferring this to everyday life it means to be able to think more straight.

Coping situations with more serenity. The susceptibility to illness decreases, the immune system is strengthened.

 Start with one hour of relaxation a week and increase the time according to your needs.


Only five minutes of relaxation a day can lead to positive changes.


I offer relaxation courses in blocks of five evenings for $ 50.

Personal training is also possible. Prices and times by arrangement.


The different techniques are:


fantasy trip / trance dynamic meditation

imagination according to far eastern methods

progressive relaxation of muscles according to Jacobsen (PMR),

introduction and debriefing

attention exercises, mindful movements


duration of course: 1 hour and 1,5 hours

new courses start on request Feb 2011